Partnering for Conservation in the Bear River Watershed
Our successes this year would not have been possible without a strong focus on the communities we serve and the partnerships we carefully cultivate. Many of these achievements have been made possible due to our partnership and staff-sharing model with Sagebrush Steppe Land Trust - our joint Bear River Watershed Conservation Coordinator. Each year, we develop relationships with a wide variety of partners which include government agencies, elected officials across the political aisle, donors and individuals from all walks of life, and fellow land trusts throughout our region. We would like to highlight our relationships with the following partners this year:
The members of our Bear River Watershed Collaborative: Sagebrush Steppe Land Trust, Intermountain West Joint Venture, Heart of the Rockies Initiative, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and Trout Unlimited. Working together, our Collaborative has conserved over 7,000 acres in the past two years and has secured over $40 million in conservation project funding across the watershed.
Dedicated landowners, who make conservation of private lands possible!
The National Resource Conservation Service (NRCS), who has provided significant project funding and whose staff work with us to protect valuable working lands.
The Utah Department of Agriculture and Food - LeRay McAllister Working Farm and Ranch Fund - for their project funding and technical assistance.
The Nature Conservancy of Utah for their continued financial and technical support.
Summit Land Conservancy for their continued support and technical assistance.
Caffe Ibis’ continued sponsorship through profit sharing of their Logan Canyon coffee blend and other donations.
Donors and supporters like you!