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Get Involved


Maintaining the beautiful lands entrusted to our care is no small task. We welcome volunteers who want to make a difference by helping keep the land beautiful and healthy.


To inquire about work projects, serving on one of our volunteer committees, or serving as a board member, please contact us. â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹


Buy Logan Canyon Coffee

Did you know that our friends at Caffe Ibis give a portion of every Logan Canyon blend purchased to the Bear River Land Conservancy each year?Not only will you get to enjoy a nice cup of delicious coffee, but you'll also be directly supporting local conservation efforts.


Purchase from Caffe Ibis here.​​​​​





We appreciate your financial support.  Please visit our donate page to learn more

Connect With Us

Check Facebook and Instagram, for the latest news, volunteer opportunities, and more.


We send out newsletters twice each year via email and print.


Send us a note through the form below, our staff will connect with you as soon as they can. 

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